The Government of India (Department of Post) has launched the e-IPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order) service to facilitate purchase of Indian Postal order electronically for paying RTI fee/cost of information on-line through e-Post Office Portal (https:/ ) of the Department of Posts. The detailed instructions for using the e-IPO service for payment of RTI fee on-line are contained in DOP & TTMs OM No. 1/44/2009-IR dated March 22, 2013. (Please click here
to get the details. The facility of e-ipo has been extended to 176 Indian Missions/Posts abroad also vide Department of Personnel & Training OM NO 1/44/2009-IR dated October 7, 2013 (please click here
to see the OM). Department of Posts has extended the e-IPO service to Indian citizens residing in India also w.e.f. February 13, 2014 vide OM No. 1/44/2009-IR dated 13th February 2014 (Please click here
to see the OM). The RTI applicants may, therefore, pay the RTI fee/cost of information, also on-line using the said e-IPO service, for seeking information from Ministries/Departments in India as well as from Indian Missions abroad.