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Types of Visa

Types of Visa

The Information below provides an overview on the types of Visas issued by the Embassy.

Transit Visa

A Transit visa is issued to an individual who is transiting through India to another destination and is able to provide enough proof of such travel plans by way of valid tickets for onward journey (via India). Single/Double entry visas, valid for a maximum of 15 days, are issued to applicants who would be transiting through India.  The validity of the visa starts from the period of  issue of the visa and therefore if an individual is unable to travel to India within 15 days of issue of the visa, he should obtain another Transit visa. During Transit, the individual can remain in Transit in India for a maximum of 3 days at a stretch. The applicant should have visa[s] for the final destination, before applying for the transit visa. Transit visa is not available at airports in India.

Tourist Visa

Tourist visa is issued to a foreigner who does not have a residence or occupation in India and whose sole objective of visiting India is recreation, sight-seeing, casual visits to meet friends and relatives etc. Only those on bona fide tourist visits should apply for tourist visas. A Tourist visa cannot be used for any other purpose such as business, education, research, writing articles, social work etc. A Tourist visa should not be applied for if the purpose of visit falls under any of these categories. Tourist visa is nonconvertible and non-extendable. For multiple entry long term tourist visas, a copy of itinerary along with flight reservations for all the planned trips to India is required. Long term tourist visa is issued to travel agents who have to visit India frequently. Those on tourist visas will also need to register with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) in case they stay continuously in India for more than 180 days.

It may be noted that there should be a gap of two months (60 days) between two visits to India on tourist visa or re-entry of nationals of Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, foreigners of Pakistan origin and Stateless Persons.

People of Indian Origin holding foreign Passport are advised to apply for X Visa.

X Visa

People of Indian origin holding a foreign passport are eligible for X visa only. As per rules, such people can not be issued a Tourist visa. As an advice it is recommended that people of Indian Origin may apply for OCI/PIO cards to tide over the visa proble in the long run”.

Business Visa

Business visa is granted to a foreign national who wants to visit India to establish an industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture or wants to purchase/sell industrial products in India.

Eligible for Business Visas are:

  • Foreign nationals coming to India for consultations regarding exhibitions, for participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs etc.
  • Foreign buyers who come to transact business with suppliers/potential suppliers at locations in India to evaluate or monitor quality, give specifications , place orders, negotiate further supplies etc., relating to goods or services procured from India.
  • Foreign experts / specialists on a visit of short  duration in connection with an ongoing project with the objective of monitoring the progress of the work, conducting meetings with Indian customers and/or to provide some high level  technical guidance.
  • Foreign nationals coming to India for pre sales or post sales activities not amounting to actual execution of any contract or project.
  • Foreign trainees of multinational companies / corporate houses coming for in-house training in the regional hubs of the concerned company located in India.
  • Foreign nationals who are coming to India on short  visits to customer location to repair any plant or machinery  as part of warranty or annual maintenance contracts.
  • Foreign engineers/technicians coming to India for installation and commissioning of equipments/machines/tools in terms of the contract for supply of such equipment/machines/tools.
  • Foreign experts coming to India for imparting training for personnel of the Indian company.
  • Foreign personnel deputed for providing technical support/services, transfer of know-how, services for which the Indian company pays fees/royalty to the foreign company .


Documents required to be submitted along with application for Business Visa

  • Invitation letter from the Indian organization/institution/company with which business is being established. The letter should clearly state the purpose of the business invitation. This should be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the company which the applicant represents.
  • Proof of financial standing and expertise in the field of intended business.
  • A valid travel document.


An applicant for business visas might be interviewed by the consular office if the need so arises.

Employment Visa

Employment visas are issued to skilled and qualified professionals or persons, who are engaged or appointed by companies, organizations and economic undertakings as technicians, technical experts, senior executives etc.

Following category of applicants will be eligible for Employment visa:

  • Foreign nationals coming to India as consultant on contract for whom the Indian company pays a fixed remuneration, (may not be in the form of monthly salary)
  • Foreign artists engaged to conduct regular performances for the duration of the employment contract given by Hotels, Clubs, other organizations
  • Foreign nationals who are coming to India to take up employment as coaches
  • Foreign sportsmen who are given contract for a specified period by the Indian Clubs / organizations
  • Self-employed foreign nationals coming to India for providing engineering, medical, accounting, legal or such other highly skilled services in their capacity as independent consultants
  • Foreign language teachers / interpreters.
  • Foreign specialist chefs.
  • For issuing of Employment visa to skilled/ highly skilled foreign workers in the IT software and IT enabled services sector (ITes), following two conditions must also be satisfied.
  • The sponsor must declare that they are an IT / ITes company.
  • The sponsor must confirm that they are an EOU or an STPI unit or an IT unit delivering services from an SEZ.


Please Note: Family members / dependents of an applicant who is granted ‘E’ visa will be granted ‘X’ visa provided the family members are otherwise eligible for grant of such a visa. The validity of such ‘X’ visa shall be co-terminus with the validity of the visa of the principal visa holder or for such shorter period as may be considered necessary by the Indian Mission.

Documents required to be submitted along with application for Employment Visa:

  • Proof of contract / employment/ engagement of foreign nationals by the company or organization; and
  • The employing company / organization should be registered in India and a copy of such registration should be submitted;
  • Certificate by the employer mentioning the salary of the foreign national employed in India;
  • The employing company / organization should certify that the nature of job is such that qualified Indian national are not available for this job;
  • The applicant must submit proof of employment or contract or engagement by the company / organization in India;
  • The applicant must submit documentary proof of his educational qualification and professional expertise;
  • The Employment Visa can only be issued from the country of origin, or from the country of domicile (more than two years stay). Non-Austrian passport holders applying for an Employment Visa must submit a copy of their Austrian residence visa showing that they have been resident in Austria for more than two years.


Student Visa

A student visa is issued to an individual, whose sole objective is to pursue regular and full time academic studies in India and for no other purpose/activity. Such visas are issued for the duration of the course or for a period of five years, whichever is less, to bona fide students to pursue regular studies at recognized institutions in India. Proof of financial support for applicant’s stay in India has to be furnished. It can be in the form of a finanical guarantee provided by the  parents with a copy of Bankstatement.

Research Visa

A Research visa is issued for pursuing a course of research in a recognized educational institution in India. A detailed set of documents will have to be produced by the applicant regarding the area of research and other particulars.

Conference Visa

Conference visas are issued to individuals whose sole objective is to visit India to attend a conference/ seminar or workshop being held in India. Such visas are issued for the duration of the conference to be attended, based on letter of invitation and documents pertaining to the conference from the Conference organizers.

Journalist Visa

I. Journalist visas


Journalist visas are given to professional journalists and photographers for up to three months' stay in India. The journalist visa is normally valid for single entry to India. 

The Publicity Officer (PR)
XP Division
Ministry of External Affairs
New Delhi-110001

Journalists who are going to India to work in any branch office of Foreign Media/TV can obtain six months multiple entry ‘J’ visa directly (This is applicable also to Journalists replacing a correspondent in India as well).

Foreign journalists visiting India on long term assignment (i.e. to be based in India), may please fill up the online Form found on  External website that opens in a new window (under the category ‘new users’, select option ‘I am applying through Indian Mission abroad’) for issue of PIB cards simultaneously with submission of Journalist visa application.

Journalists, Editors/Writers of Television networks and Radio Stations travelling to India on work or vacation are required to apply along with a copy of their Media Accreditation Card and/or a document from their organization describing clearly the nature of their work and whether they are travelling on work or as tourists.

II. Documentary related work


Prior authorization of the Indian Government is mandatory for any audiovisual reporting/ shooting of documentary films in India, regardless of their subject, category or duration. These include documentary films, reportages, institutional or educational films, radio documentary, still shoots, corporate videos, television commercials and publicity, or any other audiovisual report meant for public diffusion or telecast.

Foreign Audio Visual Agencies intending to shoot documentary films/AV commercials should send the completed application form and signed undertaking (placed below) to the officer responsible for Press and Information work in the Embassy of India, Vienna for processing. Once the proposal is approved, the Indian missions abroad will issue Journalist ('J') visa for travel to India for filming. Documentary filming is not permissible on other types of visas (e.g. tourist/business visas). Import of filming equipment is facilitated only upon issue of the clearance.

All pages of the filming application form have to be printed on the letter-head paper of the company. The Undertaking has to be duly signed, dated and stamped. Two copies of the duly filled application form and Undertaking have to be submitted to Embassy of India, Vienna, and should contain the following information in the order indicated:

Application Form ( click here  PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site.)  

Undertaking (  click here PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. )  

Detailed Synopsis

Itinerary (Ports of entry and exit from India to be indicated)

Bio-profile of the journalist/ film-director

Brief presentation of the production agency

List of crew-members giving the following details:

Name and surname as featuring in the passport

Contact coordinates - telephone & e-mail



Date and place of birth (Day/ Month/ Year)

Passport number & validity

Two recent identical 5 cm x 5 cm - size photographs

Printout of the online application form duly signed.

Passport valid for a minimum of 180 days with at least two blank pages

The processing time is approximately up to 15 weeks if the filming proposal involves (a) sensitive issues or if the itinerary includes restricted/protected/prohibited or vulnerable zones, reserve forests (b) underwater or aerial filming, as these cases all require prior and mandatory clearance from different nodal Ministries and authorities in India. Click here to open/download Terms & Conditions for Filming (imposed by Ministry of Environment and Forests) pdf  PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. 

All filming applications (in English) are to be addressed by post to:

Embassy of India

Kärntner Ring 2,

A -1015 Vienna, Austria


III. Temporary Import of Filming Equipment:

For temporary import of equipments for filming in India, a custom facilitation letter is issued to the crew members. The following information on company’s letterhead needs to be submitted by email at least two weeks prior to departure: (Please mention the crew members who would be carrying the equipment in case of different flights of the crew)

Name, nationality and passport details of all the crew members (do not send photocopies of the passports)

Port of Entry and Exit including flight details and date

Full list of cinematic equipment (No satellite equipment allowed)

Mission/MEA’s approval letter for the documentary

Journalists can obtain visa for three months (single entry) to visit India for any purpose other than film shooting. The initial three month period can be extended by applying to:
The Publicity Officer (PR)
XP Division
Ministry of External Affairs
New Delhi-110001

Journalists who are going to India to work in any branch office of Foreign Media/TV can obtain six months multiple entry ‘J’ visa directly (This is applicable also to Journalists replacing a correspondent in India as well).

Foreign journalists visiting India on long term assignment (i.e. to be based in India), may please fill up the online Form found on  External website that opens in a new window (under the category ‘new users’, select option ‘I am applying through Indian Mission abroad’) for issue of PIB cards simultaneously with submission of Journalist visa application.

Intern (I) Visa 

It will be applicable for foreign nationals intending to pursue internship in Indian companies, educational institutions and NGOs. Its salient features are as under; 

  • The period of visa should be restricted to the duration of internship programme or one year, whichever is less.
  • The intern visa will be granted immediately after completion of graduation/post-graduation but the gap between the completion of graduation/post-graduation and the commencement of the internship should not be more than year.
  • Visa would be granted only on the basis of the letter of the Indian company/educational institution/NGO concerned sponsoring the foreign national for the internship programme and clearly indicating the period of internship.
  • In case the internship is in a company, the foreign national being sponsored for internship should draw a minimum remuneration of Rs 7.8 lakh per annum. There will be no minimum salary limit in the case of internship in educational institution and NGOs.
  • Grant of Intern Visa to foreigners intending to pursue internship in NGOs and some other specified categories will be subject to prior clearance and hence would take more time for being processed. Applicants need to apply well in advance of actual commencement of the programme.
  • Foreign nationals granted visa for internship will have to register with FRRO/FRO concerned within 14 days of arrival if continuous stay is more than 180 days.
  • The sponsoring company will give an undertaking that they will ensure departure of the foreigner on completion of the internship.
  • Earning form internship of the foreign national with the Indian companies/educational institutions/NGOs will be subject to Indian Income tax regulations. 


Film (F) Visa 

This category visa would be applicable for foreign nationals who propose to go to India for shooting of a feature film, reality TV show and/or commercial TV serials. Its salient features are as under;

  • Foreign national intending to obtain F Visa should apply in 60 days advance of actual commencement of the shooting programme.
  • Four copies of the detailed shooting script in case of feature film and detailed concept in case of TV show/ TV serials, details of the visiting film crew and location of film shooting shall be submitted by the foreign team to the Mission or directly to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for scrutiny and clearance. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting may levy a fee for scrutiny of application.
  • The film has to be shot according to script, as approved by the Govt of India. In case any material deviation is considered, prior permission of the Govt of India has to be obtained by the foreign team.
  • Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will attach a Liaison Officer to the foreign team to assist them in shooting, wherever it is felt necessary to do so by the Script Evaluator. He/she will stay and travel with the team. The actual expanses on the boarding, lodging and travel of the Liaison Officer, in connection with the shooting of film will be met by the Government of India as admissible.
  • The shooting of the film must be done in the presence of the Liaison Officer (where Liaison Officer has been attached on recommendation of the Script Evaluator) who will, as part of his/her duties, ensure that nothing detrimental to the image of India or the Indian people will be shot or included in the film. Should a disagreement arise in this respect, the matter shall be referred to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting whose decision will be final.
  • The foreign team should show the complete film to a representative of the Government of India, in India or abroad (i.e. the Indian Mission abroad), before its actual release anywhere in the world after the film has been recommended by the expert who has scrutinized the script and certified that the film has nothing objectionable from any point of view of presentation of a correct and balanced image of topic/country covered. In case the foreign team desires to show the film to an Indian Mission abroad, the name of the Mission must be specified by the foreign team in advance. No portion of the film should be shown in the open forum without prior approval of the Government of India.
  • The formal application for permission to shoot in India indicating, inter-alia, the specific location for shooting shall be submitted to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Local permission wherever required, must be obtained by the filming team from the local authorities. The list of equipment to be temporarily imported in connection with the shooting is required to be submitted to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in advance, who will issue recommendations to the Custom authorities to exempt such temporary import from custom duty.
  • If the film is a joint venture (indo-foreign venture), the detailed agreement between the India and foreign part shall be furnished to the Govt of India for specific clearance.
  • After the shooting is completed in India, a report giving the details of actual shots taken shall be provided, in duplicate, to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting by the Liaison Officer, in case where a Liaison Officer has been attached with the filming unit.
  • An undertaking will be required to be given to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in case any assistance is sought from any Ministry of Govt of India or from any state government/UT Separate agreements, as stipulated by these Ministries will, however have to be signed with them by the foreign team.
  • The maximum duration of the F Visa will for one year with multiple facilities, any further extension will be done by concerned FRRO/FRO.
  • The maximum number of crew for a specific film being shot by an international production company that can be allowed under F Visa is 125, unless the project if of such scale that it necessitates the presence of a larger crew in India which will be allowed on case to case basis. The visa can be applied in batches.
  • The international cast and crew coming to India on an F visa for the film shoot shall be employed by the Foreign Company seeking permission to shoot the film in India and the company shall take the responsibility for the cast and crew coming to India. Registration will be mandatory in respect of F visa.
  • The foreigner being given F visa may need to demonstrate that they have adequate means to support themselves in India and may need to demonstrate that they have incentives to return to their place of residence when the said visa expires.
  • Money transaction for film shooting should be done as per RBI guidelines.


Entry Visa

An entry visa is issued to a person visiting for professional work, meetings, study tours, or longer stay (other than for education, employment, journalism, commercial or business)

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