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Agenda Item 5 : Other Matters
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Agenda Item 5 : Other Matters

Agenda Item 5 : Other Matters

Statement by Governor for India, Ambassador Jaideep Mazumdar


Madam Chair

As we wind down towards the end of this session of the Board of Governors, I would like to thank you for the able and graceful conduct of our work even in these difficult circumstances. I do sincerely hope that we do not have to work remotely in this fashion in the future, but you have shown that we can do so, if it is completely unavoidable.

We have asked for the floor to place on record my delegation’s great appreciation for the work of Ambassador Aruni Wijewardene as Secretary of the Policy Making Organs of the IAEA. I have no doubt that I speak for all of us today when I say that Aruni has been the hand of calm and collected efficiency in the conduct of our important work over many years. I wish you, Aruni, the best in your future endeavours.


I thank you Madam Chair.

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