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International Conference and Exhibition on Waste to Worth 2020 30 October 2020 Over Digital Platform

International Conference and Exhibition on Waste to Worth
30 October 2020 | Over Digital Platform
Exhibition till 15 November 2020

India’s giant leap towards becoming a superpower is propelled through multi-faceted development and rapid growth in various sectors. These rapid development and growth also bring various challenges, especially waste generated from these sectors and their inadequate collection, transportation, handling, treatment and disposal. Urban India generates 62 million tons (MMT) of waste annually with an average annual growth rate of 4%. Out of this, 55 MMT is municipal solid waste and 5.6 MMT is plastic waste. 
Hence, addressing the issues pertaining to waste management generated from various industries requires in-depth understanding of issues to develop the right policy. One of the major challenges lies in managing these, lies not only in a boost of the quantity of wastes, but also in the increasing complexity of handling the wastes’ streams due to the diversity and composition of the waste generated by the urban India. Therefore, it is imperative to minimize the waste going to landfills and water stream through efficient recycling, processing and scientific management methods as well.
Keeping this in view and towards encouraging the better waste management across the country, Confederation of India Industry (CII) in association with Technology Development Board, Government of India and supported by Swachh Bharat Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affair, Government of India is organizing the International Conference and Exhibition on Waste to Worth from 30 October 2020 to 15 November 2020   
CII strongly believes, effective management of waste will not only improve the public health and environment but will also enhance the quality of life by generating jobs, creation of new products, generate energy leading to Swachh, Swasth, Sashakt, Sampann and Atmanirbhar Bharat   
Considering above, the theme of the 2020 conference is ‘Achieving circular economy through innovative 3R techniques. The event is aimed to bring together Indian industry, technology providers, investors and waste management companies, both National and International on a single platform to deliberate on innovative technological solutions towards keeping India clean in a sustainable manner and encourage the adoption of 3R practices.   
This year's conference is more important as it will also honour industries with CII 3R Awards in waste minimization & recycling; and innovation in generating minimum/ zero waste products.  

Some of the highlights of the event includes: 

  • One Day International Conference on Waste to Worth on 30 October 2020- deliberating on
    • Glocal Models and Best Practices for Waste Management
    • Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Waste Management- Towards Circular Economy
    • Waste as Alternative Fuel and Raw Materials- Building circular economy
    • Waste Management Ecosystem in India
  • Participation of Czech Republic as Partner Country – Explore Partnerships with Czech companies offering innovative solutions
  • CII 3R Awards Ceremony – A maiden initiative to recognise best practices in Waste Management  
  • Virtual Exhibition for over 15 days - Showcase of latest technological and innovative solutions to manage your waste  
  • Parallel Sessions deliberating on opportunities for collaboration and best practices

For more details please click here. External website that opens in a new window

To register, please click on following link External website that opens in a new window

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