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Trade Fairs in India
Home    >   Trade Fairs in India   >  INDIA INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING WEEK (Virtual Sourcing Expo) scheduled to be held from 18-20 November 2020.

INDIA INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING WEEK (Virtual Sourcing Expo) scheduled to be held from 18-20 November 2020.

The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) is organizing INDIA INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING WEEK (Virtual Sourcing Expo) scheduled to be held from 18-20 November 2020.

There will be around 40 quality Indian Suppliers from the engineering sector who will be participating at the show to explore trade and business opportunities with European counterparts. We are hopeful that the event will further strengthen the trade relations between India and European countries.


  • Opportunity to around 40 quality Indian suppliers
  • Cost effective in connecting with Indian exhibitors/ participants
  • Everyone from everywhere can afford to connect with desired business
  • More structured enquiry process
  • Better navigation across the event


The registration for buyers from Europe is free and they can register anytime by visiting External website that opens in a new window

In case of any details/information pertaining to the event please contact FIEO officials at,


External website that opens in a new window
External website that opens in a new window
External website that opens in a new window
External website that opens in a new window
External website that opens in a new window
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